Developing Your Educational Products & Programs

We partner with institutions of higher education as well as publishers and providers of K12 materials to develop your educational products and programs.

A Glimpse of Our Services

Assessment Design

Multiple choice, short answer, extended response, technology enhanced, performance based, and more

eLearning Development

Our experienced content department has the capability to design and develop engaging eLearning.


Mapping, correlations, learning objectives, scope and sequence, and curriculum design and development

Instructional Design

We work with you to develop content that effectively moves your students through the learning process.  

Subject Matter Experts

Our experts have both practical and theoretical knowledge in every subject from accounting to zoology.


World Languages & Translation

Our translation team has the experience and expertise to recognize even the subtlest nuances of your chosen language.

Years in Business

Projects Completed

Qualified Contractors

Get Started Today!

We partner with publishers, school districts, and institutions of higher education to provide customized educational content development and efficient project management.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Everything looks great! …Thanks to all of you for your hard work, patience and expertise.  I truly enjoyed the opportunity to work with you all to develop this stellar product. I am excited to know that the MCESC already has the first customer in line.  I am hopeful that our paths cross in the future.”

Sandi Preiss

Coordinator of Dayton Regional STEM Center, Montgomery County, OH

“The work quality was great…and did display a solid understanding of what we were aiming to achieve even without having experienced a slice of the end user experience. [Our contact at A Pass] was terrific. He was exceptionally responsive and asked all the right questions. On top of that, he did not hesitate to make recommendations where he thought that necessary. It felt like having a great partner instead of us just being a client.”

Kate Gallo Reilly

Sr. Product Developer, E-Line Media/Historia

“…[A Pass] met and exceeded my expectations after we discussed what I hoped for and the goals I was interested in achieving. I wished to differentiate my book and the lessons it offered for students from other Holocaust education literature I found as it related to displaced persons and I wished for it to become meaningful and relevant in today’s world…”

Joanie Schirm

Author, Adventurers Against their Will

What Makes Us Different

We Are:


Team mindset


Custom workflow solutions


Deep expertise with broad capacity

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NCLEX 2023-2026 Test Plan: What Publishers Need to Know

The NCLEX test is a crucial step for nursing students to become licensed nurses. It is developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) to assess whether nursing graduates have the right skills to begin working in patient care. In 2023, the NCLEX will become the Next Generation NCLEX, or NGN. Students who enrolled in programs in the fall of 2021 or after will take the Next Gen NCLEX starting on April 1st, 2023. Publishers will need to update their study materials to note these changes.

Phonics and Phonemic Awareness in ELA Curriculum

Much of the talk around the science of reading has touched on the importance of systemic phonemic awareness and phonics lessons. Incorporating phonics and phonemic awareness into an ELA curriculum is essential for developing strong reading skills in students.

Understanding EdReports’ Role in Curriculum Development

What Is EdReports? EdReports is a non-profit organization that provides independent, evidence-based reviews of K-12 educational materials. These include both textbooks and technology-based products. The reviews are designed to help schools and districts make informed...

Follow These 7 Great Tips When Creating Educational Products for K-12

The best elements publishers can include for their ed products meet the customer’s needs. Besides that, their products exceed customer expectations. Also, these products facilitate educators’ personal growth. Features nurture and transform students for their learning journey. To meet these goals, publishers can follow these great tips when creating educational products for K-12

eLearning and Interactive Assessments: Increasing Student Engagement

In our digital age, eLearning involves students of all ages. Many publishers must create educational content and assessments that are accessible online. However, research from the journal Online Learning shows that simply providing students with online content is not enough to ensure that they will be successful. Students must stay engaged in order to master the material. One way to increase student engagement is through the use of interactive assessments.

Incorporating Technology in History Lessons

Use technology to create digital historical timelines, produce newspaper articles about historical events or figures.

Our Top Blogs of 2022

As we get ready to welcome 2022, we thought it would be a great idea to recap 2021 with our top 5 articles written this year.

5 Benefits Publishers Get When Using Human Translations Versus Machine Translations (Google Translate)

When using human translations versus machine translation, the text stays in the intended context. Besides that, some languages do not translate an exact one-to-one meaning of the words. Yes, the machine translator will get the basics right. But it will not keep the voice and personality of the author. It will not capture the voice of a company’s brand. The emotional weight of the text will be lost in translation.

A Pass News

Lynsey Peterson Appointed to CEO for A Pass Educational Group, LLC
Lynsey Peterson Appointed to CEO for A Pass Educational Group, LLC

ass Educational Group, LLC, a leader in designing instruction, creating assessments, and building localized content for K-12 and higher educational markets, is pleased to announce the confirmation of Lynsey Peterson as the CEO of A Pass Educational Group, LLC (A Pass). Previously, Peterson served as the Co-CEO and Integrator with Andrew Pass as the other Co-CEO and Visionary. Andrew Pass will continue to be involved with A Pass as the Founder and Visionary, moving to a thought-leadership role, motivated by the many intersections of education and technology. 

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Meet Our Executive Team

Our relationship-centered, client-focused approach to every interaction results in responsive, long-term, positive partnerships.



Founder and Visionary

Andy says the wisest thing he has done as CEO is to hire people smarter than he is to work closest to him. In his free time, he loves to go on cruises with his partner Debbie.



CEO, Integrator

A life-long learner and still a teacher at heart, Lynsey lives and breathes all things education. She also likes to devour books, explore new places, and cook up interesting recipes.



VP of Business Development

Pauline is passionate about improving the world through education, being in nature, hanging with her kids, and making music. When you are ready to partner with us, call Pauline.

Nikki Giovanni Huff

Nikki Giovanni Huff

VP of Finance & Administration

Nikki Giovanni is enthusiastic about business and educational innovations. She enjoys crafting, gardening, and outdoor living with her husband (their dog), family, and friends.

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