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Higher Ed

Supporting Academic Integrity Online: 7 Methods That College Leaders Can Promote

Supporting Academic Integrity Online: 7 Methods That College Leaders Can Promote

In the shift to remote learning, colleges ramped up online proctoring systems. Yet, these systems are expensive. Moreover, using a machine to detect cheating may not be the way to go. Students are finding ways to trick the system. Stepping up enforcement works. A long-term enforcement strategy will mitigate future methods of cheating by students that have yet to invent. Short-term enforcement lets honest students know that they are doing the right thing.

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Emergency Remote Learning (ERL): 9 Fundamentals Colleges Should Follow

Emergency Remote Learning (ERL): 9 Fundamentals Colleges Should Follow

In addition, leaders who focus on communication help drive results. Also, leaders can partner with IT, creating faculty webinars on how to use the emergency remote teaching tools. Still, what gets measured gets done. Updates on goal progress keep faculty in the loop. Also, Q and A sessions with IT and faculty can help build relationships and sharpen skills. Still, this moment is an important time for faculty and IT to revisit testing in ERL situations.

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Inclusive Leadership: 6 Characteristics Deans Can Promote at Their Schools

Inclusive Leadership: 6 Characteristics Deans Can Promote at Their Schools

Likewise, a dean’s leadership circle reaches into the communities inside and outside their school. Inclusive leaders build across real and imagined boundaries. Their responsibilities include reconciling the interests of many. Besides that, a dean will understand a range of people, groups, and communities. Schools that reach into the neighborhoods do more than fill a college pipeline. Deans get to co-lead with residents and businesses to support the community. Programs that serve underserved communities create opportunities for everyone.

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6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

First, liberal arts programs help to build equity in education. Vibrant theater performances attract the community. Likewise, partnerships between colleges and community groups offer theater, music, and art camps to diverse populations. These short-term programs portray shared humanity. Besides that, liberal arts camps create access as students are shown as more than test scores. These programs demand students apply in demand workforce skills such as teamwork and critical thinking. Also, these programs are portable recruitment centers.

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E-book Readers: 4 Apps That K-12 Publishers Can Use

E-book Readers: 4 Apps That K-12 Publishers Can Use

E-book let publishers distribute their textbooks on their terms. Besides that, e-book readers allow publishers innovative delivery methods without costly investment. Also, e-book readers support K-12 districts to buy more content. Publishers can provide more variety to their customers. Publishers help schools meet the individual needs of their readers. Yet, the e-book reader market is competitive. Which app should a publisher use? Here are four apps publishers can use to make content that appeals to K-12 readers.

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Learning to Read: The Changes Publishers Must Include to Improve US Literacy

Learning to Read: The Changes Publishers Must Include to Improve US Literacy

The pandemic has caused disruptions in many areas of education, including foundational reading skills. Some students were lagging before the pandemic, and upper elementary teachers noticed the increased skills gaps. Many states are responding to the issue by implementing the science of reading principles into their curriculum. They see the results. Publishers can close the gap by providing the best materials based on the science of reading and other methods. 

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4 SEL Strategies for Digital Learning for K-12 Publishers

4 SEL Strategies for Digital Learning for K-12 Publishers

Social-emotional learning (SEL) facilitates learning for K-12 students as an integral part of their education. The methodology helps students form a healthy sense of self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and self-control that extend far beyond the classroom. Toward that end, K-12 publishers can create digital materials for social-emotional learning (SEL). These efforts support districts, schools, and teachers, which aids student development and learning. Publishers can utilize these 4 ways to support SEL digital learning.

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2021: The 6 Best A Pass Translation Articles for the Year

2021: The 6 Best A Pass Translation Articles for the Year

Publishers and providers of K-12 and higher education institutions must to stay up-to-date on industry trends and forecasts. This knowledge helps them remain competitive and meet the evolving needs of a global audience of colleges, districts, teachers, and students. The A Pass blog strives to keep leaders and decision-makers informed on essential topics, including how to translate educational materials. Here are the top six translation articles from our blog for 2021.  

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