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Higher Ed

Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

First, digital credentials let colleges show their courses are up to date. Leaders can break traditional degree programs into micro-credentials. Learners complete micro-credentials to earn a badge. Participants earn a badge to show a single skill, like lab safety. Badges can be combined to create a digital credential, like for a lab technician supervisor program. Thus, they can be used by schools to add the latest research discoveries or new laws to keep the topic up to date. Also, these learning bytes let schools swap outdated content on the fly. Micro courses reassure learners that they are getting the best degree for the workforce.

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Upskill: The Need for Colleges to Skillify Curricula for America’s Workforce

Upskill: The Need for Colleges to Skillify Curricula for America’s Workforce

Often it is cheaper for employers to upskill their current workforce than to recruit and train new employees. Workforce development partnerships translate education to applied skills. Technical programs make sense to those students who need their investment to end in a job. Likewise, when a college invests in teaching the skills in need by local businesses, both partners win. Schools attract a new pool of students. Companies get a skilled workforce. Still, the best news is businesses needing skilled workers. Savvy colleges invest in long-term relationships with business partners. Likewise, the school keeps itself relevant and its classrooms full.

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6 Ways Deans Can Encourage Deep Work for Students

6 Ways Deans Can Encourage Deep Work for Students

Cal Newport defined deep work as “focused success.” Today, students are overwhelmed with distractions. Still, the ability to focus on an intellectually demanding task without distraction is becoming a rare skill. Deans can utilize these deep work methods to encourage college success for their students.First, teach faculty, staff, and students the difference between busy and deep work tasks. Create courses that identify shallow work practices. Bouncing around inboxes, social media sites, and LMS are shallow work tasks. Schools that create courses that teach students how to identify shallow work tasks will promote an understanding of deep learning.

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7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

Succeeding in college can be challenging at the best of times. Today, the barriers to college success are more than ever before. Different barriers like mental and physical health are ongoing topics on college campuses across the country. Still, colleges can leverage the tool of a mindset to help students succeed. Carol Dweck theorized two mindsets: growth and fixed. Growth mindset students believe they can learn from failures and change to achieve their goals. Fixed mindset students feel and see their qualities as fixed; they believe change as not possible. Therefore, attitudes, beliefs,..

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Student-Centered Learning: What Elements Should Publishers Address?

Student-Centered Learning: What Elements Should Publishers Address?

Student-centered learning puts the student in control of what and how they will learn and why they want to learn it. This approach is different from conventional teaching when the instructor drives the content and pace of the educational material. Benefits to this model include increased student engagement and teacher collaboration to produce positive student outcomes and encourage lifelong learners. To further define the student-centered model, consider these four design elements K-12 publishers can employ to support student-centered learning.

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Digital Publishing Platforms: 4 Points Providers Should Know

Digital Publishing Platforms: 4 Points Providers Should Know

Digital publishing for K-12 schools and colleges is here to stay. With the benefits of remote and self-paced learning at the forefront, students, teachers, and schools are turning to digital educational material over traditional print material. Publishers who make the transition to digital can remain competitive. Providers can employ these methods when utilizing digital publishing platforms:

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Digital Textbooks: 4 Elements Senior Design Directors Should Consider

Digital Textbooks: 4 Elements Senior Design Directors Should Consider

Many school administrators are making the shift or have shifted to digital textbooks. After all, they are more cost-effective, are interactive, use familiar navigation tools, and allow real-time updates. Consequently, the demand for high-quality digital textbooks is growing. Senior design directors should consider the following elements for building and designing digital textbooks.

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Gamification for Learning: 6 Strategies for K-12 Publishers

Gamification for Learning: 6 Strategies for K-12 Publishers

Gamification makes the curriculum more engaging. Research shows students and teachers enjoy playing together as they learn about content. Also, gamification helps improve problem-solving and work skills. With remote learning, gamification is the way students interact with classmates. Most importantly, parents and teachers can view and track student progress toward understanding skills. Here are six diverse ways publishers can gamify content for the K-12 classroom. 

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Curriculum Design

Guiding Principles of Integrating Multimedia in eLearning

Guiding Principles of Integrating Multimedia in eLearning

Integrating multimedia into your eLearning courses engages learners, but the latest research indicates too much interactivity may frustrate your learners.  In the hands of a skilled developer, multimedia interaction positively impacts knowledge transfer. Course navigation menus appear and disappear when needed, creating screen space.

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