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Higher Ed

Pillar 2: A Dean’s Second Step to Lead College Students to Select and Enter a Guided Pathway

Pillar 2: A Dean’s Second Step to Lead College Students to Select and Enter a Guided Pathway

The Building Momentum, SENSE survey reports on average 44% of entering student respondents turn to their friends, family, or other students for their main source of advising. Only 74% say they chose a job or career before signing up for their classes. Sadly, this is a waste of time, energy, and student potential. This is a missed chance for schools to promote their guided pathway programs. The best way institutions can help get students on the path is to take time to clearly map out the path.

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3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

First, a document’s purpose shapes content localization. Textbooks have one form. Work instructions present another. Legal documents take yet another form. Also, the translated document needs to meet the expectations of the local readers. Teachers in Spain expect their guides to read a certain way. Teachers in Mexico and Portugal expect their guides to read in a different way. Yet, it is the same language, Spanish. Second, a clear purpose makes sure key points of the text do not get lost in translation. Also, professional translation services know the quirks of a region. Most importantly, professional content creators understand how to format the resources in ways that benefit the publisher.

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Personalized Learning: 4 Powerful Principles Publishers Should Understand

Personalized Learning: 4 Powerful Principles Publishers Should Understand

By now, providers know personalized learning is powerful. Yet, without a vision, personalized learning is difficult to do well. Still, does it make sense to pursue it as part of the strategy? Read these powerful principles leaders should know about personalized learning. Yes, personalized learning lets students take the lead in their learning journey. Still, students in personalized learning programs can make the most of their strengths. Personal learning lets students learn what they need to know when they are ready to learn it. Besides that, learners can accelerate through the content they know. Also, learners may linger with content until they master it. Likewise, personal learning gives all learners more flexibility. This attribute means providers can create a lot more content for many more types of learners. Also, publishers have the opening to sell a range of products – not just textbooks. Likewise, teachers sign on to providers’ sites to do a lot more than ever before. Teachers give each student the work they need to master the required competency.

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LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

In the past, LMS systems were used to track attendance, post grades, and generate reports. Today, learning management systems do more than imagined. Now, leaders have access to data that lets them make decisions that support the vision for their schools. Thus, K-12 publishers can make sure to include these advancements in their LMS systems. Yes, publishers still need to tell users how the LMS boosts their learning. Those online tutorials are expected. Help desks are a must. Most importantly, content creation teams win big when they meet with schools and outline how the school is going to use and push the system. Faculty, staff, and admins have different backend needs. Students and parents have distinct front-end needs. Today, leaders must…

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8 Funny Translation Fails That Publishers Should Avoid

8 Funny Translation Fails That Publishers Should Avoid

Looking for a laugh during a hectic day? Search #translationfails. Better yet, enter the name of a popular AI translation service to spur a few smiles. Yes, machine translation services have their perks. They are quick. Yes, AI services can translate words, phrases, and texts from one language to the next in a minute. They are accessible. AI translation apps abound in app stores and browsers. They are free. Still, one gets what one pays for….

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Curriculum Design

Online Course Development: Start to Finish

Online Course Development: Start to Finish

As more learning becomes digital, the mysteries of instructional design unfold. Luckily, the secrets to developing a great online course follow a logical process. But before developing an online course, there are several...

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3 Tips for Writing Great Alt-Text Descriptions

3 Tips for Writing Great Alt-Text Descriptions

Alt-text, or alternative text, is one of the critical components of good content design. For those newer to the topic, alt-text sometimes is referred to as alt-attributes, alt-descriptions, or alt-tags. Great instructional designers, course developers, and content...

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Improving the ID/SME Partnership for Effective Online Course Design

Improving the ID/SME Partnership for Effective Online Course Design

Are you facing challenges, such as limited resources and time constraints to create an online course? What about faculty buy-in? Designing an online course involves more than moving textbook content to slides. It also involves understanding how to engage a learner online. Sometimes faculty don’t understand the role and contribution of an instructional designer. IDs work with SMEs to create engaging and interactive online courses. But,…

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