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Higher Ed
5 Most Common Remote Learning Challenges Universities Are Facing
Institutes of Higher Education deserve credit for their pivot to remote learning. Colleges hurdled over obstacles to offer quality instruction to students. Yet, these efforts are not appreciated by students. Besides that, new challenges take place when a school offers remote learning. Below are the five most common challenges colleges face.
Why Immersive Video-based Learning Is More Important than Ever for Universities During This Pandemic
Immersive video-based learning lets colleges teach in spite of pandemic constraints. This instructional method lets instructors switch from face-to-face instruction to remote learning without missing days. Everyone on campus knows their health is the top priority.
What Are Hybrid Courses and Why Many College Students Prefer Them
Perhaps the perfect metaphor for blended learning is the opposite of an old saying, “You can have your cake and eat it, too.” Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning.
5 Project-based Learning Strategies for Higher Ed Institutions
Since the advent of markers and poster board, classroom learners have created projects. Most adults have bittersweet memories of book reports in the form of book covers, dioramas of specific time periods, or posters demonstrating the water cycle.
7 Reasons Why Publishers Should Revamp Legacy eLearning Courses
So much content. So many lessons learned. Here are seven reasons why revamping legacy eLearning courses is a surprisingly good idea. Course authors know the world has changed a lot since eLearning…
The Importance of K-12 High-Quality Instructional Materials
High-quality materials (HQIM) take time to create. Besides that, well-designed HQIM materials stand the test of time. Teachers stick with what they know works. Likewise, publishers who create HQIM get the following…
Why K-12 Publishers Should Offer Mobile-First Digital Learning Content
K-12 publishers should offer mobile-first digital learning because it works. What is it? Mobile-first is when course authors start with the smallest screen and work their way up. Why is this the best way for publishers to go? Why is it worth the effort for a publisher to retool their design process?
5 Tips to Overcoming Testing Barriers in Education’s Digital Transition
This past year educators had to solve how to teach students online. Publishers rose to meet the testing challenges. Still, educators continue to struggle with testing obstacles. Here are tips for publishers to use to beat these testing barriers.
Curriculum Design
Creating Authentic Learning Experiences Part 1: William Horton’s eLearning by Design
This is the first in a four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll start by defining what authentic learning is and how to design authentic learning experiences. Then, we’ll explore how to incorporate those experiences into existing curriculum. Finally, we’ll...
Improving Students’ Writing and Communication Skills
It is happening: the art of the written word is dying. With the growth of technology and the push to digitize everything, other skills have been pushed aside. Skills like writing have been deemed less valuable, even obsolete. The reality is, however, that writing...
How to Equip Students with Workplace-Ready Soft Skills
The price of college continues to rise. That’s a fact. With that rising price tag, it’s critical that colleges give students the workplace-ready soft skills they need. Historically, college skills included academic and sometimes technical skills. Recently, employers...
Student-centered learning: A summary of the IBIS curriculum
Many traditional biology class frameworks require students to memorize terms and processes. The IBIS (Integrating Biology and Inquiry Skills) curriculum is different. It asks students to collaborate with others to facilitate and take charge of their own learning. They...