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Higher Ed

What is The ‘Flipped Classroom’ Blended Learning Model

What is The ‘Flipped Classroom’ Blended Learning Model

The flipped classroom blended learning model reverses the typical in-class and out-of-class learner responsibilities. The traditional model of a higher education class has learners listening to lectures in-class and completing mastery work at home. The flipped classroom asks learners to study the new information. Then, learners discuss the material or apply the material to projects in class.

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What is a Remote Blended Learning Model for Higher Education

What is a Remote Blended Learning Model for Higher Education

Remote blended learning, also known as enriched virtual blended learning, is the perfect solution for many learners. Some learners are too busy to attend class regularly. They need the flexibility of online classes; however, they still need the occasional face-to-face class with the instructor.

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Difference Between SMEs and Course Authors

Difference Between SMEs and Course Authors

Why can’t the subject matter expert just write the course? Why would anyone hire a course author?
Course authors bring valuable skills to a project. Besides that, course experts identify what is the correct delivery method for the audience. This skill alone could pay back those who hire a course author. Yet, the difference between SMEs and course authors gets overshadowed by the budget.

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5 Ways Publishers Can Help Districts Keep Virtual Learning a Long Term Strategy

5 Ways Publishers Can Help Districts Keep Virtual Learning a Long Term Strategy

The pandemic created a global demand for K-12 districts to offer safe ways to teach and learn. Savvy K-12 districts turned to expert providers to create strong virtual learning programs. Still, even with a few months under their belts, districts are struggling to keep up the momentum. Here are five tips publishers can do to help districts keep virtual learning as a long term strategy.

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Why Remote Learning Is Not Online Learning

Why Remote Learning Is Not Online Learning

Publishers know posting F2F materials in the LMS does not make effective online learning. Teachers need time and skill to create strong online learning. Administrators spent the fall distinguishing remote and online learning. Publishers need to be on the lookout for chances to explain. 

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Curriculum Design

Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

What is Innovative Course Design? The challenge in any course is the design. A course should be designed for learner engagement at the highest level while preparing them academically. Allied health courses are especially challenging in this area. Because these...

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Online Learning Curation: The How and Why

Online Learning Curation: The How and Why

The world of health sciences is vast and becomes even larger when content goes online. The number of courses offered online is daunting. That volume, however, does not always equate to quality. The challenge is to find the courses that offer the highest-quality...

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