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Higher Ed

How to Develop Courses for Micro-learners

How to Develop Courses for Micro-learners

When you hear the words “Business Management 101,” you probably imagine four months of weekly classes and exams. If you signed up for this course, you would learn many concepts, but some of them may not apply to your specific learning needs. You would benefit from...

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What Is Blended Learning and Its Advantages

What Is Blended Learning and Its Advantages

Realize these gains by moving to a blended learning approach Blended learning is a mix of face-to-face instruction and online learning. Often modular in design, blended learning uses a range of learning items from video to online courses. One key advantage of moving...

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How Top Educational Publishers Are Helping During the COVID-19 Outbreak

How Top Educational Publishers Are Helping During the COVID-19 Outbreak

One specific example is the educational publishers that have quickly responded to the coronavirus. They realized the sudden hardships educational institutions began to face as they moved traditional courses to online, and the publishers acted quickly. Let’s recognize ten educational publishers that have taken extra steps to make the unpredictable shift to digital classrooms much easier for everyone.

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5 Benefits of Video-Based Learning

5 Benefits of Video-Based Learning

No longer regulated to the clunky VHS players, video-based learning can be used by your staff to reach students across a range of disciplines. Faculty is able to use current content to fuel lively talks on current topics. Staff are able to get the following gains off...

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Curriculum Design

AP Test Prep Assessment Items: A Quick How-To

AP Test Prep Assessment Items: A Quick How-To

AP exams can be daunting for students—and just as daunting for the teachers entrusted to effectively prep those students to succeed. However, these anxieties can be reduced by providing well-constructed test prep assessment items. Not only will students reap the...

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Integrating Digital Game-based Learning in Higher Ed

Integrating Digital Game-based Learning in Higher Ed

Using games in learning became in vogue in the early 1960s. Jean Piaget praised the use of games in learning. He said play could help simulate real-life conflict and help resolve them. Today, we integrate digital game-based learning.   Benefits of Game-Based Learning...

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Effective Online Assessments: A Four-Tip How-To

Effective Online Assessments: A Four-Tip How-To

Assessment is a vital piece of the educational process. Not only do students get a better understanding of their learning, but assessments help gather valuable learner data. Before we jump into designing effective online assessments, let’s first look at the different...

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