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Higher Ed

Improving the ID/SME Partnership for Effective Online Course Design

Improving the ID/SME Partnership for Effective Online Course Design

Are you facing challenges, such as limited resources and time constraints to create an online course? What about faculty buy-in? Designing an online course involves more than moving textbook content to slides. It also involves understanding how to engage a learner online. Sometimes faculty don’t understand the role and contribution of an instructional designer. IDs work with SMEs to create engaging and interactive online courses. But,…

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Improving Students’ Writing and Communication Skills

Improving Students’ Writing and Communication Skills

It is happening: the art of the written word is dying. With the growth of technology and the push to digitize everything, other skills have been pushed aside. Skills like writing have been deemed less valuable, even obsolete. The reality is, however, that writing...

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How to Measure the Success of a New Curriculum

How to Measure the Success of a New Curriculum

Designing new curriculum is not quite like the adage, “A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first.” Sure, the curriculum designing process has many steps. But at the beginning of designing a new curriculum, the last step is the focus: Measuring its success....

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Why Mobile Learning Continues to Grow

Why Mobile Learning Continues to Grow

Mobile learning is more than a trend, it’s primed to grow. Don’t fret: your investment in eLearning is about to pay off. mLearning is a natural extension of eLearning. Here is why mobile learning primed to take off.

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Curriculum Design

Higher Education Learning Trends in 2019

Higher Education Learning Trends in 2019

Have you seen what’s trending on Facebook? How about what’s trending on Twitter or Instagram? With seemingly infinite information sources but only finite time, it may be hard to conceive of doing in-depth study of academic subjects. Yet the reality of our...

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Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Children love video games.  In our increasingly digital world, we can leverage their use for instructional purposes.  Here are four tips for educators and curriculum developers to use digital games in the classroom. Games as motivational aids Research has shown that...

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