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Higher Ed


3 Tips for Writing Great Alt-Text Descriptions

3 Tips for Writing Great Alt-Text Descriptions

Alt-text, or alternative text, is one of the critical components of good content design. For those newer to the topic, alt-text sometimes is referred to as alt-attributes, alt-descriptions, or alt-tags. Great instructional designers, course developers, and content...

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Curriculum Design

Summer Read: Staff Picks

Summer Read: Staff Picks

At A Pass Educational Group, we are committed to being stewards of literacy and believe in the power of a good book at any age. We see reading as a pathway to lifelong learning, an opportunity to engage with family, and inspiration for great conversations about our...

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Three Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

Three Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

Summer is a time for fun activities, exploring new ideas, meeting new people, and enjoying time with friends and family. Summer is also a perfect time for children to hone their skills with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The activities below support development...

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