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Higher Ed

Educational Equity: How Community Colleges Can Create a Student Ready School

Educational Equity: How Community Colleges Can Create a Student Ready School

Community colleges provide accessible and affordable education to students. Learners can earn credentials faster, at lower prices, using better flexible schedules than traditional four-year colleges. However, community colleges are experiencing enrollment and retention challenges, partly spurred by the pandemic. Many two-year colleges have responded to the immediate requirements of hybrid and virtual classes. However, more solutions are needed to meet the demands of this unique student population. Therefore, community college leaders can provide educational equity by making their colleges student-ready.

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Teaching Burnout: 4 Methods College Leaders Can Apply

Teaching Burnout: 4 Methods College Leaders Can Apply

As the pandemic wages on, educators wrestle with teaching burnout. Summer did not give weary instructors a much-needed rest. Mostly, faculty spent a frantic summer retooling classes for multiple delivery scenarios. Besides that, hybrid learning demands new skills from instructors, support staff, and students. College leaders do not need to standby feeling helpless. College leaders can employ 4 methods to address teaching burnout for faculty.

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Upskilling: What Programs Can Higher Ed Leaders Create?

Upskilling: What Programs Can Higher Ed Leaders Create?

Research shows that incoming freshmen are not as prepared as they need to be for success in college. Similarly, businesses recognize college grads lack essential skills to perform their job duties. Many reasons exist for the skills gap for high school graduates, college attendees, recent graduates, and adult learners. College leaders can use these different examples below to create and provide upskilling solutions.

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Developing Leadership: 5 Ways Colleges Can Cultivate Leaders for Higher Ed

Developing Leadership: 5 Ways Colleges Can Cultivate Leaders for Higher Ed

Like all successful organizations, higher education institutions need good leaders. Not just now, but in the future. However, leadership roles are not the same as they were in the past, and future leaders must prepare for ongoing changes. Therefore, colleges and universities need to cultivate leaders for the higher education field. And they can do so amid their current administrators, faculty, and academic staff. Here are five ways colleges and universities can cultivate leaders. 

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SEL Curriculum: The 5 Necessary Elements That School District Leaders Expect

SEL Curriculum: The 5 Necessary Elements That School District Leaders Expect

K-12 schools are moving more towards incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) into their curriculum. The curriculum should include particular elements for the lesson plan materials. These elements ensure that students achieve their outcomes and that teachers rely on efficient and effective instructional materials. As a result, district leaders expect the following five elements in an SEL curriculum. K-12 publishers and providers, therefore, should incorporate these elements as they lead their teams to make instructional products:

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The Importance of Building CASEL Curriculum for K-12 SEL

The Importance of Building CASEL Curriculum for K-12 SEL

Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps children learn to understand themselves, connect with others, achieve individual and collective goals, and support their communities. Strong SEL skills help students achieve academic success. Also, these skills enhance self-esteem, relationship building, employability, and civic responsibility.

Many educators project that students will need SEL skills for the future. Thus, leaders can help produce materials to address this need. The pandemic and its stresses indicate the need for SEL education. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and Urban Assembly agree that SEL is paramount to community and nationwide civil harmony.

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The 6 Issues That K-12 Publishers Face When Translating Materials

The 6 Issues That K-12 Publishers Face When Translating Materials

As school districts strive to serve a large community of ELL learners, educational publishers likewise must rise to the challenge. In so doing, K-12 publishers face producing engaging, accurate, consistent, and relevant educational materials. To accomplish this goal, they must be knowledgeable of cultural norms and overcome the barriers, translating for younger audiences. The following are six issues K-12 publishers face when translating educational materials and some strategies for overcoming them.

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5 Top Features Publishers Can Include for Interactive WorkBooks

5 Top Features Publishers Can Include for Interactive WorkBooks

Many schools have been implementing interactive workbooks. Thus, this change is not just out of necessity. These workbooks present many advantages to both learners and educators. Interactive workbooks are the next innovative development coming out of the digital learning age. Therefore, publishers can include these top 5 features listed below.

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Curriculum Design

How to Develop Courses for Micro-learners

How to Develop Courses for Micro-learners

When you hear the words “Business Management 101,” you probably imagine four months of weekly classes and exams. If you signed up for this course, you would learn many concepts, but some of them may not apply to your specific learning needs. You would benefit from...

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5 Benefits of Video-Based Learning

5 Benefits of Video-Based Learning

No longer regulated to the clunky VHS players, video-based learning can be used by your staff to reach students across a range of disciplines. Faculty is able to use current content to fuel lively talks on current topics. Staff are able to get the following gains off...

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