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Higher Ed

6 Digital Badging Strategies Provosts Should Know

6 Digital Badging Strategies Provosts Should Know

Higher education has entered a new frontier. Traditionally, students seeking professional careers have pursued degree programs. But now, digital credentials are becoming the desired path. After all, they cost less, take less time, are more accessible, and prepare new students and life-long learners for many industries. Therefore, to remain competitive, institutions of higher learning are adopting an attitude of not if, but when to offer alternative credentials. Here’s what provosts can do to help their schools make the change to digital badges successful.

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5 Hybrid Learning Ideas That College Leaders Must Know

5 Hybrid Learning Ideas That College Leaders Must Know

Why invest in hybrid learning? Eighty percent of undergraduates say their online learning lacks the engagement of in-person learning. Yet, higher ed institutions that have invested in hyflex course offerings experienced increased enrollment and revenue. Furthermore, trends show this mixed modality as a force beyond the pandemic crisis. So, here’s five hybrid learning ideas college leaders should know.

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Chief Online Learning Officer: 5 Trends to Lead Online Learning

Chief Online Learning Officer: 5 Trends to Lead Online Learning

The demand for chief online learning officers (COLO) has risen dramatically over the past two decades. The result is almost all institutions of higher learning now have a COLO, COO, or another professional with a similar title.

Therefore, the top responsibility of today’s COLO is to help academic departments coordinate online services. Other duties include curriculum design, LMS administration, and online policymaking, and budgeting. Many COLOs are also in charge of student/faculty training. Most importantly, institutions that require instructors to collaborate with curriculum designers experience higher student-faculty interaction. In the future of online learning, chief online learning officers can expect the following five trends to shape their roles and responsibilities

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DEI: What 5 Methods Can College Leaders Implement?

DEI: What 5 Methods Can College Leaders Implement?

Many underrepresented faculty members feel invisible in their departments, especially women in STEM fields. At the same time, people of color may feel hyper-visible as diversity and inclusion programs roll out. Still, leaders face entrenched historical obstructions. Below are five ways leaders can encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on campus.

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Proof of Concept: 5 Amazing Tips for Learning Design Leaders

Proof of Concept: 5 Amazing Tips for Learning Design Leaders

A director of learning design needs to ensure instructional materials created by their design team are marketable. A proof of concept for K-12 publishers and providers helps ensure instructional materials target the audience correctly. This guide helps verify if the materials will meet the requirements and interests of K-12 students and instructors. Most importantly, it reduces the risk of rejection before costly production. Leaders will explain which materials and resources are needed for the project. Learning design leaders can use these five tips for leading instructional designers (IDs) to create an effective proof of concept.

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Digital Literacy: 5 Methods K-12 Publishers Can Implement for Their Products

Digital Literacy: 5 Methods K-12 Publishers Can Implement for Their Products

Publishers know teachers want resources to help their students. Besides that, teachers face the same challenges in digital literacy as they did before the pandemic. Still, publishers provide educators with the tools they need to succeed. Yet, teachers seek solutions for their educational challenges, and publishers provide these solutions. Publishers can use these six methods to improve their products for digital literacy.

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World Translation: 5 Methods Publishers Can Utilize for Their Content

World Translation: 5 Methods Publishers Can Utilize for Their Content

Why should leaders invest in translation services? Machine translation services deliver close enough results. Still, publishers do well when they get translations right. Leaders face many barriers in today’s business climate. Yet, a good partnership with an expert translation partner yields a better return. Here are five methods leaders can use to make their translated content stand out for world translation.

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Personalized Learning: What Ways Can Publishers Focus on the 3 Models?

Personalized Learning: What Ways Can Publishers Focus on the 3 Models?

Education is moving from theone size fits all model of instruction. Teachers have tailored instruction to their students for years. Yet, publishers did not offer educators personalized learning options in their textbooks. Now, content is more than textbooks. Today, publishers make content for various, digital platforms. Besides that, publishers provide customized learning experiences for students. Publishers can utilize these three models to support personalized learning.

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