What Is Blended Learning and Its Advantages

Realize these gains by moving to a blended learning approach

Blended learning is a mix of face-to-face instruction and online learning. Often modular in design, blended learning uses a range of learning items from video to online courses. One key advantage of moving your program this approach is by its nature, blended learning takes advantage of your existing resources. As you may know, using a blended learning approach gives staff the chance to differentiate learning plans for each student. Here is a partial list of rewards.  When used well, blended learning:

Saves resources

Teachers can keep content which does well in class. Staff can infuse interactivity into stale topics. For example, an entry-level online student safety course can be merged with public speaking. Students research and prepare a final speech. Then, students submit a video recording to their instructor for a grade.

Spurs faculty collaboration.

Staff are able to use current digital collaboration platforms, like internal web pages. For example, district teachers use an active web site to show off projects created by students.  In this case, the district hosts a tech-fest on the site. Staff work across disciplines to help students and judge projects.

Allows individualized learning plans

When students have plans crafted to meet their needs, students, and teachers benefit. With a blended approach, faculty is able to identify the gaps for each student. Teachers are able to identify gaps in underperforming students. Instructors are quickly able to bridge the gap with content. Besides that, a blended learning approach gives staff the power to pinpoint a student’s strong points. Instructors are able to assign enrichment activities for qualifying students. Teachers are able to easily match course items to a student’s favorite way to learn.

Frees up time bonus content

Faculty is able to give students the latest advances in research.  Staff are able to connect students with field experts. Teachers can fill an open time slot with a short talk by an influential thought leader. Staff can assign courses for students to finish prior to the first day of class. When used to its fullest potential, blended learning frees teachers to teach.

Engages learners

Students are not only able to finish assignments prior to the first day of class. They are able to create content as well. Learners can add items as they find them. Students are able to browse databases waiting for the bus. They can view global resources over lunch. Students can post in forums on break.

Fuels analytics

Armed with suitable metrics, faculty is able to use their vast experience to detect which students need face time and which do not. Staff can point to which learning goals are on track and which are not. When used appropriately, blended learning supports departmental goals.

Working with a seasoned partner will save you the frustration and fiscal drains of starting without a complete vision for your blended learning approach.  Contact A Pass Educational today to set up a meeting today.

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