Higher Education

The A Pass higher ed content team crafts all types of assessment items to align with your courses.

We are knowledgeable and experienced in creating a variety of assessment item types for higher ed learners. Whether for an eLearning course or a traditional lecture, our experts will work with you to identify the right types of assessments for your content. We have the expertise to create multiple choice, constructed response, short answer, and technology enhanced items (TEIs) for all subject areas.


Sample Assessment Items for Higher Education


GRE Sample-Quantitative Reasoning


GRE Sample - Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension


GRE Sample - Analytical Writing


LSAT Sample - Analytical Reasoning


LSAT Sample - Reading Comprehension


NCLEX 2022-Sample Per NCBN Fall 2018 Update

A Glimpse of Our Services

Assessment Design

Multiple choice, short answer, extended response, technology enhanced, performance based, and more

eLearning Development

Our experienced content department has the capability to design and develop engaging eLearning.


Mapping, correlations, learning objectives, scope and sequence, and curriculum design and development

Instructional Design

We work with you to develop content that effectively moves your students through the learning process.  

Subject Matter Experts

Our experts have both practical and theoretical knowledge in every subject from accounting to zoology.


World Languages & Translation

Our translation team has the experience and expertise to recognize even the subtlest nuances of your chosen language.

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